📊After presenting you our AI platform ENIGNUM, we are coming back to the basis of our approach of accelerating the energy transition in Germany.
And in parallel also the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affair and Climate Action has presented the first draft of their PV-strategy to speed-up the energy transition last Friday. The final strategy will be presented beginning of May and should lay out the path of implementing new regulatory measures to reduce bureaucratic hurdles allowing us to install 148 GW of PV assets to increase the fully installed capacity to 215 GW till 2030.
So, we need just bring together technology and the new regulatory measures and the energy transition is done😊. We potentially should also define the areas where the PV installations should be erected, such as:
✅low-grade agricultural land
✅agricultural land
✅water and lakes
✅conversion sites
✅contaminated sites
✅sealed industrial areas
✅parking lots
✅residential buildings
✅commercial buildings
🌫For current agricultural areas, I also very much welcome the initiatives to rewet former swamps. In Germany there are over 1.8 million hectares of it, most of them currently used for farming. However, rewatering could save over one third of the CO2 emitted by Germany’s agricultural sector. And by using the areas for solar energy, landowners are financially compensated as well.
🔎What do you think: what type of areas are still underrated for solar energy?