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🙋 Today, I’d like to build on the data shared in last week’s post and provide further insights into energy efficiency measures for buildings that are gaining traction in Germany. 👨‍⚖️ The new Building Energy Act (Gebäudeenergiegesetz) focuses on both residential properties and corporate real estate, aiming to reduce energy consumption in a sector responsible …

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👉 As mentioned in my last post technological innovation is the engine of decarbonization worldwide, and we are actively contributing to this movement with our own innovations. When we began developing our geospatial engine „ENIGNUM”, we set the goal of advancing the digital transformation of project development in the renewable energy sector. Today, two years …

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🕵‍♀️After attending Intersolar Europe in Munich and WindEnergy in Hamburg this year, I was also at the Hydrogen Technology Expo Europe 2024 in Hamburg today. It was impressive to see the advancements in technology that are scaling up hydrogen production to help decarbonize the world. 🧐This is particularly significant as the Bundesnetzagentur has just approved …

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🤗 Today is a great day for us at Deinland! I am very excited to welcome Edelweiss Innovation as an investor at Deinland. Edelweiss Innovation is an impact investor from Berlin that focuses on companies accelerating the transformation into a sustainable, ESG-based economy. 💪This commitment demonstrates that we at Deinland are on the right track …

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Since Friday, it has been clear that local authorities will have to draw up a heating plan for their areas. This was decided by the German Bundestag as part of the heat planning law. The law is linked to the coalition government’s much-discussed Building Energy Act (GEG). According to the law, large cities have until …

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🌞 Exciting News for the renewable energy industry! Yesterday the Ministerpräsidentenkonferenz in Germany has reached a significant milestone with the agreement on the „Pact for Planning, Authorization, and Implementation Acceleration“ (“Beschleunigungspakt”). This pact is designed to streamline, standardize, and expedite approval processes, ensuring the competitiveness of our economy and driving the transformation of our energy system. It involves a comprehensive set of approximately one …

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☀️ In the past couple of weeks, the German Bundestag took a significant step towards a sustainable future. The German government’s proposal to amend the EEG (Renewable Energy Sources Act) and other energy-related regulations, known as the Solar Package I, was debated for the first time on October 19, 2023 in the parliament.  👣 This …

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Wave goodbye to summer, ’cause it’s time to shake things up! 🙋‍♂️  In my recent whirlwind tour across southern Germany, it hit me: the winds of transformation are rising! Remember, the battle against climate change will be clinched in our own backyards. 🏡  So, let’s ignite innovative ideas across every tier of local governance, and …

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🔙Last week I discussed how we need more flexibility when storing surplus energy. While hydrogen is definitely a big part of the long-term solution for this problem, it is not available yet. So we need to look elsewhere, and luckily some great minds had brilliant ideas. One of them goes in hand with the concept …

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⚡One of the German government’s major climate targets is to cover at least 80 percent of Germany’s electricity needs from renewable energy by 2030. Over my last posts, I have already outlined that Germany will not be able to achieve its ambitious goals if the expansion of solar energy is not significantly increased.  💡Fortunately, the …

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